Overview of your responses

Use this opportunity to go over your responses and edit the answers if you feel you can, choosing another option which is closer to accurate.


Maximising carbon reduction through reducing the use of carbon intensive materials & enabling low-carbon practices.

How informed is the project about carbon budgets? For example, the 2021 UN Climate Pathway for Transport suggests that passenger and freight transport should be completely decarbonised by 2050, and many national and local plans reflect this.

Your response:

How high does decarbonisation rank as a priority compared to other priorities in the project?

Your response:

How much actual reduction of carbon emissions does this project contribute to the 2021 UN Climate Pathway target for complete decarbonisation of transport by 2050?

Your response:


Embedding consideration of equity, inclusion and fairness, engaging a wide range of stakeholder views in the project's design and development.

How comprehensively are stakeholders who might be affected (positively or negatively) considered?

Your response:

What level of active engagement with stakeholders has there been at this point?

Your response:

To what extent does the design concretely address the needs of all stakeholders?

Your response:


Optimising the project's contribution to broader social, environmental and economic outcomes, such as democracy, transparency, accountability.

Projects inevitably have unexpected societal ripple effects. Decarbonising transport can bring co-benefits such as clean air and well-being, but also negative unanticipated consequences. For example, increased home-working can intensify worker surveillance. To what degree are co-benefits, unanticipated consequences, ethical or wider societal implications considered?

Your response:

How actively are potential societal co-benefits or harms explored?

Your response:

To what extent was the project adapted to maximise benefits or minimise harms?

Your response:


Resonance with social practices that lead to decarbonisation and contribute to future ways of living in harmony with nature.

How does this project fit with social practices of low carbon lifestyles?

Your response:

How does the project align with relevant government policies?

Your response:

How desirable and easy is it for businesses and transport operators to implement the project?

Your response:
Please note that the responses cannot be changed after this point. Please take a minute to make sure you have answered all the questions to your fullest knowledge before proceeding.

Next: Summary of the Assessment

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